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Legal Pages - Knowledgebase / Store Settings - Cartzy Support Portal

Legal Pages

Table of contents

  1. Customizing pages
  2. Creating from a template 
  3. Saving and publishing a page
  4. Adding a page to a menu
  5. Video: Cartzy Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations



Cartzy allows you to efficiently create and customize the legal pages for your store:

1. Refunds & Returns Policy: On this page, you can list down the policies of your store concerning refunds and returns. This helps the customers know how your business works and how the cases of refunds and returns are handled. 

2. Privacy Policy: A privacy page on an e-commerce website is like a rulebook that tells your website visitors and customers how their personal information is handled. It lets them know what data is collected, how it's used, and how it's kept safe. So, you can add this information for your customers to make sure they understand and trust how their data is being used when they shop online.

3. Terms & Conditions: The terms and conditions page on an e-commerce website outlines the legal rules and expectations for using the platform. It covers important aspects like payment terms, shipping policies, return and refund procedures, disclaimers, and intellectual property rights, creating a clear agreement between the business and its customers. 

You can include information regarding customer responsibilities, dispute resolution, limitations of liability, and any specific terms unique to their business, ensuring a transparent and legally binding relationship with users.

4. Shipping Policy: The shipping policy page on an e-commerce website informs customers about the shipping process, costs, estimated delivery times, and available shipping options. It helps set clear expectations for customers regarding shipping-related matters, reducing misunderstandings and improving overall customer satisfaction. 

You can include details on shipping rates, delivery areas, tracking options, shipping partners, and any special conditions or promotions related to shipping.

The above-listed four pages, when created, are linked to the footer of your store site. You can also add these pages to the header menu of your store. 



Path: Settings > Legal Pages

There are two ways to create and publish the above-listed pages:

1. Customize the page as you want

2. Create from a template

Customizing pages

Cartzy provides a text editor for each page to effectively and efficiently edit the page content. The editor is enriched with advanced formatting options as illustrated in the image below.



Variable placeholders

You may also notice variable placeholders such as [STORE_NAME] already given in the text editors. For example, the Refunds & Returns Policy content editor box contains [WEBSITE]. It’s the variable placeholder for your store domain i.e., it automatically picks up your current store URL. So rather than using your store URL in text form such as “”, you can use this variable [WEBSITE] in your content. So, if you ever migrate your store to a different domain, the content will also be updated automatically to reflect your new store website. 

So, variable placeholders can be used for the content that is global to the website such as store name, or location, so that the text automatically updates whenever you change the variable value. 



Whenever you make changes to your content, you need to click “Save” to save and publish the page (more details given below).  


Creating from a template

You can use this button in two ways:

1. Publish the default page: If you don’t want to customize any of the pages, and want to publish the default pages, you can simply click it. It will publish the page with default settings/design/format.

2. Undo customizations: If you click the button “Create from Template” for any of the pages after customization, all your page settings will be lost, and that page will be set to default design and content. So, in this case, this button can be used to “undo” the customizations of a page altogether.

Refund and Return Policy page

The default template contains content for you to begin with. It contains the following variable placeholders as well:

1. [WEBSITE]: The URL of your webstore. 

2. [STORE_NAME]: This is the name of your store and can be configured on the General Settings page. 

3. [EMAIL_ADDRESS]: The email address at which you want to receive the customer queries. It is configurable on the General Settings page. 

4. [ADDRESS], [ADDRESS2], [CITY], [STATE], [ZIP]: These are the variable placeholders for your store address. You can configure these on the General Settings page. 

5. [BUSINESS_HOURS]: The operational hours of your business. You can configure it on the General Settings page. 



Privacy policy page

The default template contains generic content for the privacy policy that you can edit according to your business requirements. The content also contains the following variable placeholders: 

1. [LAST_UPDATED_DATE]: The date on which the privacy policy page was last updated. 








Terms and conditions page

The default template of the terms and conditions page contains generic content that you can edit according to your business requirements. You will find the following variable placeholders in the template content: 

1. [LAST_UPDATED_DATE]: The date on which the terms and conditions page was last updated. 








Shipping policy page

The default shipping policy page contains basic content for you to edit the shipping policies according to your business operations and policies. The following variable placeholders are added to the template: 

1. [LAST_UPDATED_DATE]: The date on which the shipping policy page was last updated. 







Saving and publishing a page

Whenever you start writing or making changes to the content in the editor box for any of the three pages, the Unsaved Changes notification popup appears at the bottom with the two buttons:

  • Discard: Clicking on the Discard button will revert all the changes that you have made to your page, and you will lose all your customizations. 
  • Save: To save your edits, you need to click on the Save button. 
When you click the Create From Template button to publish the default template of the page, the Unsaved Changes notification popup still appears. 

To restore the default template, click Save. If you want to keep your customizations, click Discard



Adding a page to a menu

Against each page, there is a link given to add the page to the menus available on your store. Clicking on the link will take you to the Navigations page where you can configure the Header and Footer menus of your store. 



In the image shared below, all four pages are linked to the store footer.



Video: Tackling Cartzy Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations  

The video shared below covers useful tips for the content of legal pages and provides additional guidance on handling refunds, returns, and cancellations through emails. 



Cartzy Returns, Refunds, and Cancellations

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