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Enabling and disabling tax collection for a customer - Knowledgebase / Managing Customers - Cartzy Support Portal

Enabling and disabling tax collection for a customer

Table of contents

  1. Enabling tax collection
  2. Disabling tax collection
  3. Timeline updates



If you are delivering the products in a region where you are not collecting taxes but want to collect a tax from a specific customer only, then you can explicitly enable tax collection for that customer from the Cartzy admin panel. Similarly, you can also exempt a particular customer from tax collection. 

Path: Customers > Customer record > Edit Customer 

Enabling tax collection

1. On the Customers page, open the customer in edit mode. To do so, click the kebab menu icon > select Edit Customer



2. On the Edit Customer page, go to the Tax Settings, and click Manage. The Edit Tax Exemption popup will appear. Checkmark the Collect Tax checkbox, and click Save



3. As soon as you click on the Save button on the Edit Tax Exemption popup window, the following will occur:

    • The tax collection setting for that customer will be updated. 
    • A notification of success will appear at the top right corner of the page.
    • In the Tax Settings section on the right side of the page, the label “No Exemptions” will appear.  



Disabling tax collection

To exempt a specific customer from taxes, repeat the same steps as mentioned above except that this time you will uncheck the Collect Tax checkbox. 



After unchecking the Collect Tax checkbox on the Edit Tax Exemptions popup, and clicking the Save button, the following will occur: 

  • The tax collection setting for that customer will be updated. 
  • A notification of success will appear at the top right corner of the page.
  • In the Tax Settings section on the right side of the page, the label “No Exemptions” will disappear. 



Timeline updates

The Timeline section on the customer page shows the history of the customer record i.e., any changes made to the record are added to the timeline. 

In the case of editing tax emotion settings, you can see that the actions of enabling and disabling tax collection are recorded and listed in the timeline. 


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