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How to cancel or pause your Cartzy store subscription? - Knowledgebase / Store Settings - Cartzy Support Portal

How to cancel or pause your Cartzy store subscription?

Table of contents

  1. Cancel subscription 
  2. Terms and conditions for cancellation of the Cartzy store subscription 
  3. Grace Period 
  4. Pausing the subscription 
  5. Terms and conditions for pausing the Cartzy store subscription 
  6. Cancel vs Pause Subscription Plan 



Do you want to cancel the Cartzy store subscription? While making this decision, you must know that canceling your subscription will result in the permanent loss of your data and settings that you added and configured on the Cartzy platform to set up your store. 

❗When you cancel your subscription, a grace period of 30 days will be activated for you during which you can: 

  • Take the backup of your data.
  • Re-activate your subscription and resume your dropshipping business on the Cartzy store. 

❗However, once the grace period expires, your data will be permanently deleted from the Cartzy servers, and the option to reactivate your subscription will no longer be valid. 

Does the idea of canceling your subscription scare you? Well, don’t worry! 

💡Because Cartzy has a third option for you between activation and cancellation. The third option is to put your subscription on hold. You can do this by using the Pause feature as explained later in this article. 

Whether you want to pause the subscription or cancel the subscription, the navigation path to access both features is the same as shared below. 

Path: Settings > Subscription Management



After clicking the Subscription Management, switch to the Plan section by clicking the Plan option in the left panel. 

On the Plan page, you can see the following options:

1. Pause Plan

2. Cancel Subscription



Cancel subscription 

To cancel the subscription, follow these steps: 

1. Click on the Cancel Subscription option as demonstrated in the image above. 

2. The Pause Plan popup window will appear. This is to give you the option to opt for holding your subscription as long as you want at the rate of $11 per month. So, instead of canceling your subscription entirely, you can proceed with pausing the plan. However, if you want to cancel your subscription, click on the Cancel Subscription button given in the Pause Plan window. 



3. On the Cancel Subscription popup window, you need to provide the reason for canceling your subscription plan. You can use the dropdown selection list to select from the commonly known reasons for cancellations. If your reason is not listed there, you can select “Other”, and then write your reason in the text box that appears upon selecting the “Other” option. In the case of the “Other” option, you need to enter at least 10 letters while writing your reason. 

4. Click the Confirm button after selecting your reason. 

💡Read the Terms and Conditions before canceling the subscription. 



5. Next, the Password Authentication window will appear for you to enter your password. It’s to confirm if the authorized person at your store decided to cancel the subscription and that the action is intentional. So, enter a valid password and click the Cancel Subscription button.  



6. The page will refresh to open the subscription Dashboard page. Here, you can see the following changes: 

    • Your current subscription status will be updated to “Canceled”.
    • The tabs of Billing, Plan, and Pricing will be disabled. 

👉 You can still access your stores as they will remain active until the end of the grace period. 



7. Now, if you log into the admin panel of your Cartzy store after canceling your subscription, you will be prompted with the following notification at the bottom of the page asking you to re-activate. 

 “As you have canceled your subscription, you will no longer be able to access Cartzy after [date]. If you want to re-activate your subscription, please click on the Re-Activate button in order to subscribe again.”

 👉 [date]: The date when the subscription period + grace period ends.  



Terms and conditions for cancellation of the Cartzy store subscription

The following are the terms and conditions that appear when you are about to cancel your subscription. Please ensure that you read them thoroughly. 

1. Cartzy doesn't provide refunds once you cancel your subscription. You will be able to access your store till the [date] - (the date when your current subscription period ends + 30 days of grace period)

2. Upon re-activation, Cartzy will charge the full amount for the selected plan and no adjustments from the previous billing cycle will be made.

3. Once the subscription is canceled, the user will be provided with a time period of 30 days to re-activate the subscription and once this time period passes, the user's subscription along with his stores will be deleted permanently.

4. You are about to cancel the subscription and your wallet has [$X]*  which is equivalent to X days and your subscription end date will be [date]. Once this time period passes you will be provided 30 days to reactivate the subscription otherwise your store will be deleted permanently.

👉 Your Cartzy wallet will hold some amount only if you down-graded your subscription plan in the past. So, at the time of cancellation, Cartzy will provide you with the extra number of active days against your wallet amount, in addition to the following: 

  • Days remaining in the current subscription period, and
  • a 30-day grace period. 

Grace Period

👉 The grace period only starts upon completion of your current plan.

  • Monthly subscription: If you have a monthly subscription plan, then you will be given all the days remaining in your monthly subscription + the 30 days after the subscription ends. For example, if your subscription is ending on May 30th, 2024. But, if you cancel the subscription on May 14th, 2024, then your store will remain active till May 30th, 2024. And, at the time of subscription renewal, it will be ended, and your grace period will be started. 
  • Yearly subscription: If you have a yearly subscription plan, then you will be given all the days remaining in your yearly subscription + the 30 days after the subscription ends. For example, if your subscription is ending on December 30th, 2024. But, if you cancel the subscription on July 15th, 202, then your store will remain active till December 30th, 2024. And, at the time of subscription renewal, it will be ended, and your grace period of 30 days will be started. 

Pausing the subscription

If you are unsure about closing your business or store but don’t want to continue with the current subscription for now, then pausing the subscription is the best option! You just have to make a minimal monthly payment of $11 to keep your store data and settings and yet not keep it operational/active. Because canceling the subscription will entirely delete your store from Cartzy servers. 

To pause the subscription, go to the same path: Settings > Subscription Management > Plan, and click the Pause Plan button.

Next, the Pause Plan Terms and Conditions popup window will open to prompt you to read the conditions and confirm the action. 

Once you hit the Confirm button, your subscription plan will be paused.



Terms and conditions for pausing the Cartzy store subscription

The following are the terms and conditions that appear when you are about to pause your subscription. Please ensure that you read them thoroughly.

  • While your plan subscription is paused, you can’t use online store(s). However, you will be still able to access the admin side of your stores.
  • During the pause of your plan, you will be charged $11.00 USD per month.
  • The pause plan will be applicable from the next billing date, which is [next billing date], and you can cancel your scheduled pause before [next billing date].
  • After the successful payment for the pause plan, you can resume your plan at any time.
  • Upon resuming the plan, no proration will be credited to your account.

Cancel vs Pause Subscription Plan 

Cancel subscription plan

Pause subscription plan

1. Can be re-activated only before the grace period ends. 

2. Data loss is permanent if you fail to reactivate your store by the end of the grace period. 

3. Front-end and back-end of the store remain active and accessible until the grace period ends. 

1. Can be re-activated at any time. 

2. No data is lost. You can keep your store for a longer period of time while paying only a minimum monthly fee of $11. 

3. Only the admin panel (back-end) of the store is active and accessible as long as your subscription is on pause. The front end is disabled i.e., customers cannot access the store. 

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